Meet the Animals

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The Alpacas

Meet the herd. As one of the more gentle and skittish livestock animals, alpacas produce the only non-allergenic material in the world through the fiber they grow. They are sheared once a year and their wool can then be turned into yarn. One interesting fact about alpacas is that they can never live alone or they become too depressed, so you always want to have at least 2 or 3 together for them to be happy. 


The Goats

Sassy, fun, and pro escapee artists, the Gober goats are always full of entertainment! They can pretty much eat anything, so they do a great job helping fight plant overgrowth around the farm. They also think that everyone is their best friend, so don’t be surprised if they walk right up to you and are ready to party! 


The Sheep

Icelandic sheep are considered to be one the purest sheep breeds in the world. They weigh about 250lbs and their wool is sheared twice per year (once in the spring and once in the fall). Although they have big horns, the sheep here at Gober Farms are quite docile and love t come up to you to receive and nice rub on their heads.


The Donkey

Meet Clarence, the one and only. Very friendly, strong, and a herd protector, donkeys offer one thing a rifle can’t... 24/7 protection from coyotes! Clarence takes his job around the farm very seriously. Of course, he’s never one to refuse a treat, and if you come up near him, he’ll likely encourage you to offer him some love.